Promise of Psalm 91

Today I want to encourage you to make Psalm 91 very personal. By changing the pronouns and putting your name, your family and friends names into the scriptures. God watches over His Word to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12) When you pray Psalm 91 in this way, it makes it even more intimate and effective. What a powerful point of view! The more you pray it, the more it gets deposited into your spirit. Fill your heart with God's Word NOW, even if you don’t feel like you need it, so when you DO need it, the Word will come forth automatically. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. (Luke 6:45)

_______________’s  PSALM 91 PROMISE 

_______ dwells in the shelter of the Most High, and he/she abides under the shadow
of the Almighty.   
_______ says of the LORD, My refuge and my fortress: my God; in whom I trust!  For it is God who delivers_________ from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence (fatal, infectious disease). God will cover _________ with His pinions, and under His wings ______ may seek refuge; God’s faithfulness is a shield and buckler.  ______ will not be afraid of the terror by night or of the arrow that flies by day; of the pestilence that stalks in darkness; or of the destruction that lays waste at noon. A thousand shall fall at ______’s side, and ten thousand at their right hand; but it shall not approach _______.   ______ will only look on with his/her eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. For _______ has made the LORD his/her refuge, even the Most High, ________ ’s dwelling place.  No evil will befall _______ , nor will any plague come near ________ ’s dwelling. For He will give His angels charge concerning _______ to guard ________ in all his/ her ways. They will bear _________ up in their hands, lest _______ strikes his/her foot against a stone.  __________ will tread upon the lion and cobra; the young lion and the serpent he/she will trample down.  “Because _________ has loved Me,” God said, “therefore I will deliver him/her; I will set ________ securely on high, because ______ has known My name.  _______ will call upon Me, and I will answer him/her. I will be with ______ in trouble; I will rescue ______ and honor ______. With a long life I will satisfy ________, and let him/her behold My salvation. 

🙏Heavenly Father I ask that You bless every person that reads this. 
Thank you God for Your Word and Promises in Jesus name, AMEN🙏


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