Run to the basement!
Anybody raised up in the south understands what “run to the basement” means and you certainly don’t dilly dally around. Honey, you run! As a kid, when the bad storms came, that's where we would go, down to the basement. Whether we were in the house or outside, there was a way to get to the basement. It was the safe place.
As I got older, a funny thing happened. When I would be going through storms in my life, I would have dreams that a tornado was a coming. In my dream, I would be running back to the house to get to the basement, the safe place. Sometimes in my dreams, I would be telling a family member to go to the basement. I would either go to them in person or call them on the phone. I warned them, there’s a tornado coming! Get to the basement! I felt it was my duty to warn everyone. In my dreams I could feel the wind rushing and see the rolling dark clouds. This was usually during a hard time in my life, my own storms. Sadly, it was at times like these, when I followed God at a distance, not as close or sometimes not at all. How ironic that we don’t realize things until we get older.
Here lately there has been so much uncertainty in the world. The virus pandemic, quarantines, natural disasters and tornado weather. All these have us asking questions without answers. I’ve been thinking about that basement. Somewhere to run for shelter from all these raging storms. The basement was an actual physical place where I could run to for safety. But where do you go when you don't have a basement? Where do you go when the storm raging is not on the Doppler radar? Where can you go and feel safe?
Psalms 91 says “He alone is my refuge, my place of safety.” A basement is supposed to be underneath the ground and deep inside the earth. A structure made of concrete blocks, cement and steel to form a safe room. Did you know, my friend, that we have a safe room that is not seen, but you can go there? Psalms 91 says “Because I make the LORD my refuge, because I make the Most High my shelter, no evil will conquer me, no plague will come near my home.”
When the storms of life come, you can go to that place of safety. Where is it? How do we get there? The doorway is prayer. Psalms 91 says “His faithful promises are my armor and protection.” Oh this is so good to know! God's promises are like a protective armor He gives to us.
What is not seen in the natural, can be revealed, like a basement. You don't see it, there’s no evidence looking at the outside of a house, that there’s a basement beneath. But the one who lives in that house, knows where the door is and how to get there for safety.
It's the same way spiritually. We don't see our place of safety with our natural eyes, but when the storms come, the spiritual eyes know where the door is and know how to get to that place of safety. There is your protection, in His presence, under the shadow of His wings like little baby chicks running to the Mama hen for safety. We do the same thing as His children, we run to safety.
Dear child of God, are you worried and concerned about something? Is your mind filled with many things? Are there storms brewing around you? Take heart, little one, you have a Savior. He is well acquainted with storms and knows how to speak peace. With eyes of faith, we can see our place of safety and we confidently know where the door is. God on the inside is bigger than any storm on the outside.
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