The "TO-DO" List

The "TO-DO" List

I have a to-do list every day. This ongoing list keeps me focused and helps me remember the things I don't want to forget. The beginning of the year is a cleansing time for my lists. All the things I need to accomplish, packed together and mingled with the things I want to do. Some are very important and necessary. Some are timely issues and some are things that need to be done "just because.'

Why are these lists of things so important to me? Why do I NEED to write them down? Why do I need to see them on paper and talk about them in great detail, planning for them so methodically?

I need to see them because they are already in my mind and planted in my heart. As I write them down, it magically makes them come ALIVE and they sparkle with hope of accomplishment and new territory to cover on this journey of life. So WRITE little heart, write to your heart's content. As the words in your soul pour through your pen and saturate the blank pages of your book...write!


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