Write it down sweet child

Happy New Year! With all the memories of 2019 that want to resurface, I move forward. Thanking God for another year to live with all of the successes and failures, the good and bad, the happy and sad, the tough times and blessed times. Now I have another year to try it again. I still believe in the hope that this year will prove to be better. As I had my morning devotion, I decided that the things I felt God saying to me, I would write them down and share with others. I feel blessed to pour out what God has poured in. This is a bit scary, baring one's soul. It is a leap of faith for me. Some may criticize, some may be bored or entertained. My hope is that you will be blessed by this blog.

Write it down sweet child. You can't have the things you want, because your hands are full of things you won't let go. Let them go, sweet child. Hold them no longer. Release it to the wind and as it blows away, you are refreshed. As the clean air brushes across your mind, now fill it with only good things. If it brings you joy and happiness, keep it. If it doesn't, release it, let it go. The things you need will come to you and replace the emptiness. Be filled with only the joyful and good. Allow these things to present themselves, and welcome them with an embrace into your life. The life you have now and the life you want to have, are yours already. Open up to it. Don't divulge all of your secrets. keep them in your heart. Life is a journey of many steps and it is up to you to walk.  Move your feet in the right direction. Let God's Spirit reveal to you, in you and through you His purpose. Be open and allow the Spirit to flow freely. Be that as it may, you are unique and are designed for your special call. This year allow it. Be blessed on your journey. Joy and peace are yours. Open your hand.

Happy New Year!


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